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We recognise housing as a right for all people of the Central Highlands. Accordingly, we strive to become a region free of homelessness, where everyone has a safe, suitable home.

Working collaboratively to end homelessness in the Central Highlands region of Victoria

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Ending Homelessness

CHHA agencies strive to provide homelessness support that treats everyone with dignity, respect and individuality. We collaborate together within our alliance and with social, health and government services and the community. The CHHA proudly advocates and participates in a collective effort to improve the lives of people in the Central Highlands, and we believe that when we all work together as a community we can end homelessness. 

Our Members

The CHHA is an alliance of eleven agencies that support people living with or who are at risk of experiencing homelessness or family violence, located in the six local government areas of the Central Highlands region: Ballarat, Ararat, Pyranees, Hepburn, Moorabool and Golden Plains. We are not for profit organisations funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) grants and other sources including charitable and community donations. The member agencies are listed below.

The three groups of the CHHA meet regularly to work collaboratively towards the shared goals of ending homelessness and improving the lives of the people we support, and each has a Chair and Terms of Reference:

  • The CHHA Executive Group - comprised of CEOs and senior managers.

  • The CHHA Operational Group - comprised of senior and middle managers.

  • The CHHA Practitioner Group - comprised of case workers.

The CHHA is supported by a Network Coordinator and is a member of the Victorian Homelessness Network (


Modern Architecture

The member agencies of the CHHA receive funding from the DFFH

News & Events

Relevant, Important Updates

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CHHA Annual Forum


June 6, 2024

Over 60 participants from the 11 CHHA agencies, and associated stakeholders including the DFFH and the Ballarat Council came together to collaboratively workshop the challenges and opportunities for addressing homelessness in the region. Strategic priorities were identified in the areas of more options and opportunities for youth, keeping women & children safely housed and supported, incorporating the voice of those with lived experience at all levels of engagement, priority areas for advocacy and creative solutions for addressing homelessness and the housing shortage in the region.

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Houses at Parliament 2024
Housing Ends Homelessness

On Wednesday July 31, 2024, member agencies of the CHHA along with other Homelessness Local Area Support Networks (LASNs) from across the state, and the Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) united under the cry that “Housing Ends Homelessness” and covered the steps of State Parliament with over 6000 origami houses to represent the number of houses Victoria needs to build every year for the next 10 years to end homelessness. The origami houses were folded by community sector practitioners and consumers, and members of the community. The peaceful event included a Welcome to Country, speeches and songs from the Community Choir Vossanova. Media and local Members of Parliament attended and the Minister for Housing sponsored and addressed the event. We are committed to work with the sector to build more social and affordable homes.

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Homelessness Grants


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Children's Resource Coordinator

Central Highlands & NW Wimmera 

Contact: Pip McGregor

0466 474 192

Assistance, support & resources to respond to the needs of children who have experienced homelessness and/or family violence.

Escaping Violence Payment - EVP - up to $5000 is available: More Information Here

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VHN - Victorian Regional Homelessness Network


Australian Alliance to End Homelessness



Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute

Useful Links

Resources, Research, Forums & Grants

(Click on logo or link)

Contact Us

For more information contact CHHA Network Coordinator

Michelle Twigger 


Phone: +61409425962

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